The #StockTok meme has financial analysts shaking their heads.

The latest meme on TikTok could end up impacting the world of finance.

An individual by the name of Chris Josephs, operating under the username IrisApp, has managed to rally thousands of TikTok users by offering them insight on which stocks to buy. Josephs comes by his information by watching and emulating the actions made by United States congresspeople, who are required by law to report any trades that they make.

While there is a forty-five day window for this reporting, financial analysts do see an immediate uptick in share-prices whenever the information is made public. This may be due to investors like Josephs completing their own purchases, but quite a few people on TikTok have claimed to have made significant profits. Although the honesty of these claims has yet to be verified, there’s little doubt that hashtag stocktok is quickly growing.

Still, what does this mean for the viewer at home?

Would you take stock tips from some guy on social media?

Does this whole situation seem curiously familiar to you?

Can we blame politicians for the next insufferable meme?

Let us know in the comments… and remember, if you’ve spotted a strange, silly, stupid, or absurd story, be sure to let us know.

For the moment, TikTok transmits telltale trading tips, touting tidy turnovers.