A luxury spa in the microstate of Andorra was recently the scene of all-out brawl, which reportedly occurred after one guest farted on another.

The story was first broken by French periodical L’Independant, who stated that a man allegedly foiled the air while standing too close to another man. This unpleasant expulsion led to an exchange of insults, which escalated into a fistfight, with a dozen of the combatants’ friends joining the fray.

The spa’s private security forces were seemingly unable to contain the melee, which was only broken up after police arrived and arrested three individuals. In all likelihood, everyone in attendance will forever remember the time that a big stink was raised during their vacation.

Still, how does the viewer at home feel? Has one of your farts ever resulted in physical combat? If not, what did happen when you released the worst of them? Let us know in the comments, and be sure to send any tips for stories our way.

For the moment, foul fart foments fury, fostering fearsome fight.