A bizarre trend has allegedly been sweeping across social media.

Following the advent of a new meme on social media, police in the United Kingdom have urged parents and grocery-store-managers to keep a watchful eye on their stocks of baked beans.

The so-called challenge, appropriately referred to as “#beaning,” reportedly involves dumping or smearing baked beans on someone else’s property, with the intended result being a mess that’s both difficult and frustrating to clean. This trend harkens back to the days of egging or toilet-papering an unsuspecting victim’s house, although it does reflect the reduced effort and increased surrealism that the Internet Age has trained many to expect.

Moreover, there are suggestions that beaning meme’s popularity has been exaggerated, and that various outlets have artificially amplified its popularity in lieu of reporting on actual stories.

Still, what does this mean for the viewer at home? Have you been the victim or the perpetrator of a beaning? Do you enjoy baked beans, whether on your plate or on your doorstep? Share your thoughts in comments, and remember, if you discover a story that’s strange, silly, or just a little bit absurd, be sure to let us know.

For the moment, baked beans bring bothersome bedevilment, but buzzworthy briefs may be overblown.